I can't believe there indeed was a time when I loved writing. I used to just take a pen and start writing all the random things that came in to my head. Then there was a time when I used to take a computer and start typing all the random things that came in to my head. Now there is a time, when I just stare at my blog once in a while to see if there can be something interesting there. One day, I am greeted by some one else's writing on my blog and I hate to realize that some one knew my password!
I am on a break from school. Winter break they say. Yes, I work but then it is more like getting paid to watch movies! How cool can that be?! The catch is the number of hours that I work at a stretch. So if you can survive sitting at the same place for hours more than 8 without bathroom breaks ( as people are usually sleeping during the unearthly hours that you work ), you have the job my friend. It is going pretty uneventful if you may ask. Last night, I was so near to breaking my own record in sleeping. The reason? Hunger. It was hunger, among all those things that could possibly have woken my sleepy state, that finally resulted in me waking up and texting my friend: "I'm sorry I couldn't make it today, I just woke up right now!" Yes 16 hours is unbelievable, but compare that to 18 hours that I once did and you'll sigh as much as me that I was so near. Or not.
Well, the entire purpose of me writing this out, as I mentioned before is to rekindle my interest in writing. My interest was never recognized I figured. It came to the sorry state when my professor had to ask me whether I was plagiarizing as my writing was so well and he was under the impression that I hate writing! That was most insulting to my writing, if not anything else as I had completely lost all interest in it. The devil was of the feminine gender from last Spring who happened to teach me Life Stories. I'd rather make her the cause than be the cause myself. I conveniently dropped out of her class when I noticed the profound effect she had on me and my endeavor to pursue writing which she clearly did not appreciate. As luck would have it, my next job, if I get it, makes me her employee. I just hope she is a better employer than she is a teacher.
If anyone watches Family Guy, I'm sure the resemblance of my style above, and that of Stewie's should be remarkable. Please do agree even if it isn't as I am watching a lot of Family Guy these days. His behavior and his language most of all have entertained me ever since my initial interest in the little man. Also add, The Big Bang Theory to it, but to its dismay, neither Dr. Sheldon Copper nor Dr. Leonard Hofstadter have been as influential as Stewie. Penny, might have only as far as her clothing is concerned.
Wardrobe change. I think that is in shape currently. I see a major revolution rising in my closet as summer arrives. It is already coughing up some good dollars for really great looking dresses that make me look like never before. If I keep watching Penny till the summer, I'm guessing she should be my sole inspiration. Of course, I must not forget my great friends here, who think it is their primary goal in life to dress me up before they dress themselves. I have no other option than to oblige and be their toy in this regards. Thank you, my friends for making me look so good!
I guess that should be all. I should get back to writing some serious things now that I am getting the hang of it.
I hope to see you soon, Blog.
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