Solutions by me :

I could think of some solutions for our country. Here they are :

SECURITY: All of the national borders should be well guarded 24*7.The sea, land and air routes that enter and leave the country should always be monitored for any unfamiliar mode of transportation. Every vehicle should be well checked before allowed to enter the country borders. This requires extensive use of man-power and hence an increase in the number of labor opportunities.

SAFETY: There should be specialized police responsible for public safety round the clock positioned in every street and public place to handle any sudden unpleasant situations like blasts, firing, eve-teasing and keep a check on any suspicious activity or people. These should always be one phone call away and should be well coordinated amongst each other in times of emergencies. They should also be trained to be accessible and approachable.

LEADERSHIP: Half of the security offered to each of our politicians should be used for the common man and his safety. The politicians do not make up our country; they only represent the most important aspect of a nation: its populace. If the country wastes its security resources in protecting the representatives, the people are in danger while the former aren’t. If all of the supposed ‘leaders’ have reduced security which can be devoted for the people, the question of any partiality would not arise and the nation would indeed be much safer than before.

SINCERITY: Laws should be made to sack or punish or fine any bureaucrat or politician who is lax about their duties. If their “job requirements” aren’t met with, they are entitled to be removed from their post and they should be made aware of this. This also includes the Judiciary if they delay in their judgments or are in any way unjust.

If there are any glitches in this, which I’m sure there are and I may have overlooked, please feel free to let me know. Then again, if there is something which needs to be added, do let me know.


Help your country to help yourself. Many thanks.